March 2025
1 23 47 69 XX 42 XX XX 29 80 32
2 63 53 88 43 80 90 67 90 13 20
3 02 22 62 50 67 90 68 90 11 88
4 53 71 85 88 60 70 77 23 48 54
5 61 25 11 43 00 90 45 90 30 68
6 89 99 90 47 23 68 80 34 68 50
7 97 29 82 58 68 34 23 34 42 80
8 80 27 69 99 23 97 12 11 90 99
9 41 90 60 17 67 70 56 67 55 70
10 42 69 26 94 42 99 90 66 26 34
11 19 78 72 79 60 80 20 00 68 69
12 55 74 11
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Super Trend Satta

Raju Bhai


SUPER TREND SATTA is most populer gaming satta website. SUPER TREND SATTA MONTHLY RESULT CHART 2025 discussion forum for players to use freely and we are not in partenership with any gaming company. We display the no of GALI, DESAWAR, GHAZIABAD AND FARIDABAD games. To play Super Trend Satta online, you must enter your bank account details and choose your number. The game is very popular in India. It is legal in some states, but not in all States. Super Trend Satta is currently the most growing Satta number game in India, Super Trend Satta roots back to colonial India. Even Super Trend Satta ancient


Dear user, We would like to inform you that we and our site (Satta-King.Online) is not involved with any online gambling activity. all the data on the website are just records and are sponsored. we do not want to harm the rules and regulations of any country. we also want to inform you that playing the Satta king game may not legal in your country so it's better to quit from today. We are not responsible for any profit and loss have done using this or any other site.Thanks


Welcome to Satta-no.com our website is one of the leading websites of Super Trend Satta Result market, our site is developed in 2018 for showing the result of all Satta king games and Satta king record charts, we don't involve in any Satta playing activity. in our website our user can get Satta result super fast which help you to get fast Satta result in your mobile, you can find the Satta record of all best game of Satta king Bazar in our Super Trend Satta Result page which is very user friendly and comfortable. in this page you can find the record chart of all best games of satta market like Rajkot satta king, bahadurghar satta, Charminar satta king, Desawar, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gali, Disawar day, Mysor satta king, Shri Hari Satta, Max Gold, Sher-E-Afghan, Rajshri Satta, Golden satta, Sundram, Upgameking Satta, Peshwar Satta king, Taj satta, Haryana, Hindustan, Sholapur, Chetak, Faizabad satta, Pawanputra Satta, Shri Ganesh, Arab Countey, Dream 7, UP Satta king, Gurgaon, Punjab day, Narmada, Mumbai Day, Shalimar, swaraj Satta king, Disawar 365, Allahabad, Meena Bazar, Tejas, Super Trend Satta Result, Lucky 7, Mirjpur, Kalash, Satta bazar, Gujrat Market, Super Satta and much more famous game of Satta bazar. we allow our user to update his own game result. If you want to add your own Satta king game in our site you have to contact the site admin. In our website you can also find the post regarding Satta leak number, these posts are posted by different Satta gusser having a wide experience in guessing and extracting upcoming jodies for old Super Trend Satta Record Chart. these experts can help you to win any Satta king games. you can also win any game of Satta king by contacting them. you can find all these experts in Satta leak number page of our website.

How to try your luck in Super Trend Satta?

Super Trend Satta Result game is very simple to play as it is the game of luck. you just need to know some simple steps before playing this game. Satta king is a number based game and is the result totally depends on the number which comes in the form of result. playing Satta king game is quite simple and easy. you can play this game in any mode offline and online. Offline you have to visit the Khaiwal location to play and in online mode, you have to download the Super Trend Satta Result application. the procedure is almost the same in both modes. you have to select some numbers from 00 to 99 and raised the bid according to you on those selected numbers of a particular Super Trend Satta Result game like Gali, Desawar, Faridabad, Ghaziabad. after that, you have to wait until the result of that game comes. If the result is one of your selected numbers than you will get 90% of the bid you placed earlier on that number which comes as the result. As you have seen the procedure of playing this game is so simple which leads to the increase in the popularity of the Satta king game. Now a day many people want to try his/her luck once definitely in Satta king which makes him addicted. every game opens its result on a daily based and on fix time. you can select any game to play and you can raise the bid accordingly in Super Trend Satta Result .

What is the Super Trend Satta record chart 2025?

There are two main elements of every Super Trend Satta Result game one is Satta king result which opens on the fixed timing of every Satta king game on a daily based and the other is the Satta king record chart which is the collection of Satta live result arranged beautifully date wise which is used to get upcoming Satta result. every Satta king game has its own result timing and Satta king record chart. you can see these element s in every Satta king website. every Satta king player wants to see the Satta king live result and the record chart of every Super Trend Satta Result game like Desawar record chart, Gali record chart. as we know the Satta king game only depends on the result of every Satta king game as after reviewing the result Khailwal announced the winner. Satta king record chart is used widely by Satta users and the Guesses who are experts in extract the upcoming Jodi and sell them to https://supertrendsatta.com/">Super Trend Satta Bazzar. many people are also able to find the upcoming Jodi by analyzing the old month record chart which helo him to win many of the Satta king games. you can find many videos on youtube which show how to create Satta leak number, the people who are engaged in creating the video usually get the super jodies from the Super Trend Satta Record Chart 2020.

What are the types of Super Trend Satta King game?

The popularity of this Super Trend Satta Result game keeps increasing day by day due to its flexible structure. the player of the Satta king game now having full customization of playing different games in different locations, they can now play anywhere and anytime. to increase to flexibility level of play the Satta king game. the concerned persons decided to divide it into several forms of playing. There are now various forms of Satta king games like Desawar Super Trend Satta Result, Gali Satta king, Faridabad Satta king, Ghaziabad Satta king, and many more are there but all those four are the most famous form of Satta king game. each form is having its own timing of result opening timing, and having different results, and the Satta king record chart. the user can play any of these games from anywhere as to increase to flexibility level of the Satta king game. The results of every form are collected in its own record chart and treated as a different game from each other. Earlier all the Super Trend Satta Record Chart are collected in the same record chart which may lead to confusion but now all the form of game of running smoothly. along with the division of games, the authorized person develop many spots and assign the task to many Khaiwals so as to collect the revenue on daily based. among all the forms Desawar and Gali Satta king are recorded as the most played game of Super Trend Satta Result games. people are raising their bids on any of them without any fare of return.

Where do you get Gali Desawar record chart?

Satta leak number is the result that gets leaked in the Satta Matka market by any of the employees of Satta Matka company. Super Trend Satta Result game totally depends on the result of the game if that result gets leaked in the market than you can understand what level of loss the company has to bear. you can see offering Satta leak board on many websites which can be a fraud as the name of Satta leak number because the result getting leaked is very rare as this is the confidential element for any Satta Matka company. but there is many guessers who can give you the lucky Jodi (Upcoming result) which maybe 10-15 and there is a high chance of those Joides to be the next result od any game. They can help you to get cover your loss and make you in profit as they are having a wide experience in the Satta king game as they are having skills to select the upcoming Jodie from the Super Trend Satta Record Chart of the current year and form the old Satta record chart. you can have trust in those guesses who offer 10-20 super jodies. Satta king chart proves many times as an important element in finding the upcoming result of any Super Trend Satta Result game like Desawar, Gali, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, and many more other game. we have heard from many people that the Satta king game opens its result in a pattern form which is to follow or build one year in the next year they change its pattern. understanding this pattern can be very useful for any user to fining Super Trend Satta Record Chart.

How to get 100% Super Trend Satta leak number?

Gali and Desawar are the two best Super Trend Satta leak game which is being played all over the country from a long time. you can play both these games easily at any Khaiwal in Satta bazaar.due to its popularity, you can find the Gali and Desawar results in any Satta king website. its really quite easy to find the result and record chart of all four best games of Super Trend Satta Bazzar i.e Desawar, Gali, Ghaziabad, Faridabad. along with the result, you can also find this game's record chart in every Satta king website mostly in combined Satta record chart of the current year and in the previous year as well. many Super Trend Satta Result websites showing the record chart of Desawar and Gali in its individual game record chart category so it can attract visitors on his site because many people want to spend time understanding the pattern of the result mostly of Gali and Desawar. both this game open in different timing, Gali result open at 11:30 PM, and Deasawr result open at 05:30 AM. some time they open the same result which is so rare to see. you can view the Gali and Desawar record chart on our website also just click Gali Satta Record Chart or Desawar record chart.

What is Super Trend Satta result?

There are various forms of Super Trend Satta leak game and each Satta king forms open different results at different times. Satta king form as also knows as the Satta king game. All the forms of Satta king game are being played all over the world. Satta result is the result that comes in the form of a two-digit number and opens it's on fixed timing. Satta result is the number that decides the Satta king winner. you can all the Satta king game result in every Satta king website. their Satta result is well arranged on every page of the Satta king website as it is the source of visitors to any website. you can see today's Satta result and previous Super Trend Satta Bazzar as well in every site. all the Satta results of previous years are well arranged in the Satta king record chart. Satta king record page is one of the important pages of the Satta king website as visitors used to spend their time analyzing the result opening pattern which can help them to get the upcoming super jodies. many people is having skills to get the upcoming Jodie from the previous year's record chart. Gali result and Desawa result are the two most searching keywords in google od this field. many times the Satta result gets leaked in the Super Trend Satta leak market which is known as Satta leak number which can make you rich in any game. all the Satta result of different game pen its own fixed timing like Desawar result open in at 05:00 AM where Gali result open at 11:00 PM. Ghaziabad Satta's result opens its Satta result at 08:00 PM and Faridabad opens its result at 07:00 PM. If you are also a Satta player than you can also get these Satta results on our website at the mention above timing.

Special terms of Super Trend Satta king Market

So friends, here we are going to discuss about the unique terms which is commonly used in Satta king bazar. like any other filed Super Trend Satta Result market are having its own special terms which is not understand by the common public. like MUNDUA, HARUF, JODI, LEAK, etc. "Mundua" term represent the 0 which is in the tense place of two digit number like 07 (MUNDA SEVEN), there are only nine digits form 00 to 199 which used munda at its pronunciation in Satta king market and they are 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09. "Jodi" Jodi are the any two digit numbers like 67,54,12,06 etc which comes in the form of Super Trend Satta Result of they are selected while playing any Satta king game. "HARUF" haruf are the single digit number eighter on the once place of in tence place of any two digit number. like in 08 0 and 8 both are the haruf in the term of satta king but there are a little different in both Haruf. the Haruf which is in the onece place are called Bahar and the Haruf which is in the tense place are called Ander so in this number '08' 0 is Ander and 8 is Bahar. the combination of Ander and Bahar developed a new term called Jodi. Leak term user for the result which is commonly comes as the result but which it get open in Super Trend Satta Result market before its timing.

What is Gali Super Trend Satta result?

Super Trend Satta Result game has been divided into four groups to maintain its flexibility. Gali Satta is one of them which is the most famous among them, Gali Satta gives the highest work to its managers. the timing of Gali Satta is the main role for its popularity as mostly player is free the time of its Super Trend Satta Result as it opens its result around 11:30 PM. Gali Satta's result comes in the market of Super Trend Satta Result after the tremendous performance for Desawar game which is the starting form of the Satta king game. You can find this game on every Satta king website as the website get a good amount of visitors at the time of the Gali result. we are also updating the Gali Satta king result on our website. you can also find Satta king record chart of the current year and serious years as well. we have developed our Satta king record chart os all game very user friendly. the colour combination od this chart clearly showing all the Satta king result. we hope you will enjoy findly you lucky number from our Super Trend Satta Result record chart.

What is Desawar Satta result?

Desawar Super Trend Satta Result is the leading forms of Satta king game among all the game in Satta Bazar. this Satta king game is being played in India and many other counties from since a long time. its opens it Satta results at the early morning around 05:30 AM. This game is the most played game offline and online too. you can play this in any Satta sport and in every Satta playing app. you can find this Desawar Satta king game in every Super Trend Satta Result site at the top because of its timing as mostly the site manager arranges its game timewise and Desawra Satta result open its result quicker than any another game. you can find Desawar Satta record chart on our website and we tried hard to update super fast than any other Super Trend Satta Result website. we have maintained all the result of Desawar games and arranges beautifully in my website for the visitors who are able to get the upcoming Jodie from the Satta king record chart. you can find all updates regarding Desawar game and its Super Trend Satta Result.

What is Faridabad Satta result?

Faridabad Satta king game has been divided into four groups to maintain its flexibility. Faridabad Satta is one of them which is the most famous among them, Faridabad Satta gives the highest work to its managers. the timing of Faridabad Satta is the main role for its popularity as mostly player is free the time of its Super Trend Satta Result as it opens its result around 6:25 PM. Faridabad Satta's result comes in the market of Super Trend Satta Result after the tremendous performance for Faridabad game which is the starting form of the Satta king game. You can find this game on every Satta king website as the website get a good amount of visitors at the time of the Faridabad result. we are also updating the Faridabad Satta king result on our website. you can also find Satta king record chart of the current year and serious years as well. we have developed our Satta king record chart os all game very user friendly. the colour combination od this chart clearly showing all the Satta king result. we hope you will enjoy findly you lucky number from our Super Trend Satta Result record chart.

What is Ghaziabad Satta result?

Ghaziabad Satta king game has been divided into four groups to maintain its flexibility. Ghaziabad Satta is one of them which is the most famous among them, Ghaziabad Satta gives the highest work to its managers. the timing of Ghaziabad Satta is the main role for its popularity as mostly player is free the time of its Super Trend Satta Result as it opens its result around 8:30 PM. Ghaziabad Satta's result comes in the market of Super Trend Satta Result after the tremendous performance for Ghaziabad game which is the starting form of the Satta king game. You can find this game on every Satta king website as the website get a good amount of visitors at the time of the Ghaziabad result. we are also updating the Ghaziabad Satta king result on our website. you can also find Satta king record chart of the current year and serious years as well. we have developed our Satta king record chart os all game very user friendly. the colour combination od this chart clearly showing all the Satta king result. we hope you will enjoy findly you lucky number from our Super Trend Satta Result record chart.

What is Taj Satta result?

Taj Super Trend Satta Result is the famous Satta king game among all the game in Satta Bazar. this Satta king taj game is being played in India only from since a 2017. its opens it Satta results at the afternoon around 03 PM. This game is the most played game offline and online too. you can play this in any Satta sport and in every Satta playing app. you can find this Taj Satta king game in many Super Trend Satta Result site at the top because of its popularity. you can find Taj Satta record chart on our website and we tried hard to update super fast than any other Super Trend Satta Result website. we have maintained all the result of Taj games and arranges beautifully in my website for the visitors who are able to get the upcoming Jodie from the Satta king record chart. you can find all updates regarding Taj game and its Super Trend Satta Result.

What is Super Trend Satta King Leak Number ?

Super Trend Satta leak Number is basically leak jodi of all famous game like faridabad, ghaziabad, gali, desawar and taj etc. This leak jodi directly come from satta king office. Leak jodi is exactly those jodi which company are going to open it. Most of the people search on internet Satta king leak game but they do not get confirm single fix jodi of gali desawar. No any satta king site provie Satta Leak Fix Number Site because they dont have any leak number, charge money but don't give leak single jodi. We are here for tell you which website give you confirm satta jodi, this name is satta-king.online , in this website you will get direct leak number of various game before 2 hour of opening the game.

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